Zeitgenossen {biografie} {fullpaper}

www.zeitgenossen.com: The poetics of weightlessness

The domain "zeitgenossen.com" discusses media-art in the web (web-art) and correlated themes of current communication sciences in several levels of extension. The concept of the "Binary Art Site" (2000) concentrates on artistic reflection of the image/text/sound-combination as well as on theoretical aspects of the notion of information. The "Outer Space IP" (2001) emphasizes language and develops an entirety of space, image, sound and text. Integrating an artificial person who leads through the different rooms, advanced new navigational structures are explored.
Both projects are based on the possibilities of broadband-communication and audio-visual interaction. The literary spectrum ranges from animated text (Distant Heat, 2000) to audio-visual poetry (YATOO, 2001)