Babel Poesie

Babel Poesie is an international poetry machine which was conceived especially for „p0es1s.“ Each of the machine’s poems is entirely new and can never be produced in this form again. Babel Poesie is based on a text generator which works in different languages, e.g., French, Italian, Spanish, but not German. Therefore, poems „in German“ have an alienated form. Babel Poesie writes poetry for New Europeans who have to work with a whole number of languages without being able to speak any of them properly. Thus, this form of poetry is the poetry of trash language, word garbage, chaos speak, and at the same time, it is a new poetry which works with boundless text flow and is conceived as an associative and endless process. Jean-Pierre Balpe’s poetry machines, which he has been developing for more than twenty years, are aimed at dynamic poetry beyond the book, where time and space are differently defined, aesthetically—and which is not so much concerned with the technical means, as with its own essence as poetry of poetry.

Jean Pierre Balpe

born in 1942, is head of the Hypermedia Department and of the Paragraphe laboratory at the University of Paris 8. As an artist, he publishes poetry (most recently: 101 poèmes du poète aveugle, 2000) and prose (La Toile, 1999). Since 1985 he has taken part or initiated numerous exhibitions on art and new technologies. He is a founding member of ALAMO, the worldwide first artist group for digital literature (since 1981). His latest text-generative work is the E-novel Trajectoire. In 2002 he realized MeTapolis, a multimodal installation for the Marco Museum in Monterey (Mexico).

> Jean Pierre Balpe